The Soul Life Project

Will you allow your dreams to change?

Andie Frankiewicz, Tia Barndt and Samantha Nimock Season 2 Episode 45

You will meet Samantha who is an overcomer, warrior and dreamer. You can hear the work she has done to be and do who she is today. We love how honest she is when it comes to not having it all figured out as she continues to achieve her biggest dreams. She has a yoga studio in her home and also is a life coach who focuses on clarity and goals. 

On this episode we talk about: 

  1. Healing from grief
  2. Starting from where you are right now 
  3. Pivoting even when your identity is deeply rooted 
  4. Not losing sight of the present opportunities


If you enjoyed our conversation with Samantha, have questions, or want to connect you can find her 

IG: @samantha.nim

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